Doggy’s Bar Products for Pet Perfection

Enhance your pet’s health with Dogy’s Bar’s premium product line.

Biotics by Dogy's Bar:
Canine Wellness

Our products are not just medicines; they are a testament to our passion for dogs. Whether it’s boosting vitality with our Vita Grow multivitamin tonic, fortifying blood health with Ferrobe, detoxifying with Kanoliv, or strengthening bones with Osteo Boost, each of our offerings is carefully formulated to address specific needs.

Welcome to Dogy's Bar

Curious About Your Dog's Health?

We recommend consulting with your veterinarian before using any new products on young pets. Our Anti-Tick Flea Shampoo is formulated for adult pets but can be used on kittens and puppies over a certain age, as recommended by your vet.

The frequency of use depends on your pet’s individual needs and lifestyle. For regular maintenance, we recommend using the Long Coat Shampoo once every 2-4 weeks. However, if your pet spends a lot of time outdoors or gets dirty frequently, you may need to use it more often.

No, our Black & Brown Shampoo is specifically formulated to enhance the natural color and shine of black and brown coats without changing their color. It helps maintain the coat’s natural appearance, leaving it clean, soft, and healthy.


Doggy’s Bar is committed to enhancing your dog’s health and happiness through our thoughtfully formulated products. From essential vitamins to specialized blends, our health products have all the essential biotics for happy pet care.


Multivitamin and Amino Acid Tonic


Loaded with vital vitamins and amino acids, it boosts overall health, preparing your dog for epic adventures.


Glycine Chelated Iron, Copper, and Cobalt


Vital for strong blood health. Packed with glycine-chelated iron, copper, and cobalt, it keeps red blood cells healthy.


Unique Liver Detoxifier Enriched with Silymarin


Love your dog's liver. Our unique detoxifier, enriched with Silymarin, keeps the liver healthy, aiding natural detox and promoting thriving well-being.


Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Vitamins


Strong bones for an active life. With essential calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins, it keeps your dog agile and active.

Discover the pawsitive experiences of our satisfied customers

Dive into a world of wagging tails and happy purrs as pet parents share their heartfelt testimonials. From flea-free fur to gleaming coats, our products bring tails of joy to pets and peace of mind to their owners. Join our furry family today!

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All Dogs, All Sizes, All Issues -
Guaranteed Solutions

We’re committed to every dog’s well-being, no matter their size, breed, or challenges. Our Dogy’s Bar products ensure all dogs thrive – join our mission.